Today, the adorning hats with jewels, feathers or metals seem to cease a bit. Now this kind of decoration is limited for cocktail parties, racing events and weddings. Now, women are more practical regarding the use of hats today. There are not far behind their male counterpart regarding the use of hats in the fashion industry. Most of the women’s hats are still adorned with creative design to exude a sophisticated style.
Today the women's fashion hats can range from simple berets, rib knits hats, felted hats, cloche hats, beanies, baker boy caps, Panama hat and trilby hats.
Panama hats
Women’s straw hats are mainly made from materials like toquilla straw, twisted grass, coberg, shantung, raffia, vegetable fibers and Milan. The Women's Panama Hats are the most famous among the straw hats. Panama hats are known for its popularity among the hat lovers. The Panama hats are made from the toquilla straw found in Ecuador. Most women’s Panama hats are weaved with a laced crown and wide brim. Even today, the Panama straw gives a stunning and elegant look when it is worn. The Panama straw hats are finely handmade taking months to complete and it can last ages if taken great care.
Trilby Hats
The Trilby gained quite a status as the hat of choice when it supplanted stiffer styles in the 1920s. Now the trilby is made from a wide range of materials from angora to classic wool checks. The style is much loved among today’s women.
The berets are worn by almost all women. The beret is simple yet gives a fashionable style. It comes in multitudes of colors. The crown is round but it is typically pushed to one side.